Managing Your Dog's Excitement: Tips for Calmer Behavior

Apr 17, 2020

Does your dog’s excitement ever lead to unwanted behavior? When a dog jumps and bites out of excitement, it can be unsettling for friends and family. If you’re starting with a new puppy, it's essential to instill calmness from the beginning. You want your loved ones to enjoy your dog as much as you do.

Some dogs are naturally energetic and excitable, which can be compounded by habits that get reinforced over time. Your puppy’s boundless energy is crucial to address early on.

If you’re dealing with a new puppy, it's best to start implementing these strategies as soon as you bring your pup home. For those with older dogs, retraining will require more persistence, but it’s achievable with determination.

How to Encourage Calm Behavior

1. Set Clear Boundaries

From the start, only allow behaviors you find acceptable. Picture your dog fully grown—would you be okay with the same behaviors if your pup were 50-90 pounds? If not, don’t tolerate them now.

2. Establish Structure

Dogs thrive in structured environments. Just like you would feel uneasy in an unstructured setting, your dog needs clear guidelines to follow. Implementing structure will help your dog understand what is acceptable and what isn’t.

3. Reward Calm Behavior

Here are practical scenarios to teach your dog to remain calm:

  • Sitting for Meals: Have your dog sit and wait for permission before eating. Place the bowl down and only let your dog eat once it remains seated. If it lunges, pick up the bowl and try again. Consistency here builds patience.

  • Waiting at the Door: Teach your dog to sit and wait at the door until permitted to go through. Use treats to reward calm behavior. If your dog tries to rush out, hold it on a lead and repeat the exercise until your dog waits patiently.

  • Greeting Guests Calmly: When people visit or you encounter others on walks, have your dog sit calmly before greeting them. Keep your dog on a lead, and ask guests to ignore the dog until it’s calm. Reward calmness with attention.

4. Manage Excitement Triggers

Identify what causes your dog’s excitement. Whether it’s certain actions, noises, or situations, recognize these triggers and plan how to manage them. You can even practice scenarios to teach your dog how to respond calmly.

5. Use Naptime Effectively

When your dog becomes too rambunctious, it’s often a sign it needs a break. Use the crate or playpen to give your dog time to settle down.

Remember, patience and consistency are key. By following these strategies, you'll foster a calm, well-behaved dog that everyone will appreciate.


Joshua Parvin

P.S. For comprehensive obedience training, check out our Complete Gundog Academy and the Complete Retriever. Find the right fit for you and join us on the path to a well-trained dog.
