The Complete Retriever Package 

Train Your Hunting Dog to Be an Outstanding Retriever


✅ Where To Start

✅ What To Do Next

✅ How To Solve Problems

Watch This Video To See What's Included In The  Complete Retriever Package


Complete Retriever Package  System Overview

52 Plus: 56 Weeks of Training to Guide You Step-by-Step

Cornerstone Gundog Academy

Phase 1: Foundations

From bringing your pup home to transitioning to the field, this phase lays the ground work of building a successful retriever. This phase is one of the most important and without it, your dog can't reach its potential.

52 Plus

Phase 2: Fetch

Transitioning to field would not be complete without training your dog to retrieve properly. This phase develops a consistent fetch, hold, and release so that your dog can retrieve the right way.

Basic Retriever Skills

Phase 3: Basic Gundog

With the foundation laid, it's time to see your dog's training come together. Here we throw on the bricks that are foundational for having a gundog. Upon completion of this phase your dog could hunt in easy situations.

Intermediate Gundog Training

Phase 4: Intermediate Gundog

Now that your dog has the core skill sets required to be a gundog, let's turn up the heat and really build a great retriever. Here, we advance the training to give you control and prepare your dog for a multitude of situations that you may face in the field.

Advanced Gundog Skills

Phase 5: Advanced Gundog

Building off of the previous phase you will expand your dogs knowledge and prepare for advanced, yet common situations that you will face in the field. From difficult marks, to advanced handling, and cold blinds, this phase will challenge and propel you to the finish line.

Retriever Training

Phase 6: Fully Trained

During this phase your dog is now considered fully trained, but it's still green. Here you'll work on real world scenarios that requires your dog to rely on everything it's learned. This synergistic work fully prepares your dog for the hunting that will come it's way.

*BONUS* The Complete Gundog Academy: Our Legacy Product with 14 Additional Modules for You  

Cornerstone Gundog Academy


We offer guidance and tips for how to get the most from the courses.

Retriever Training

How Your Dog Learns

In this module, we offer practical and easy to understand lessons on Learning Theory.

Retriever Training

Polish Your Handling Skills

This module will help reduce your frustration as you learn to be a great dog handler.

Retriever Training

Success With Your Puppy

Learn what to do with your puppy to make things go as smoothly and eliminate many mistakes.

Retriever Training

Retrieving With Puppies

Designed to give you the right things to do with your pup as they grow while you wait on the time for formal training.

Retriever Training

Basic Obedience

Learn to teach your dog the foundational obedience needed to become an enjoyable companion and great Gundog.

Basic Retriever Skills

Advanced Obedience

In this module, you will help your young dog transition from basic obedience to being ready for formal Gundog training.

Basic Retriever Skills

Basic Gundog Skills

Learn the skills every great Gundog needs to become their best in the field for many years. 

Basic Retriever Skills

Intermediate Gundog Skills

You and your dog will work through all the skill needed to make sure you can work as a team.

Basic Retriever Skills

Advanced Gundog Skills

Build off of the skills gained to this point as you work on drills and concepts designed to improve skills in advanced scenarios.

Basic Retriever Skills

Group Work

We rarely hunt alone so work on these drills with a group of friends to develop the best possible hunting companion.

Basic Retriever Skills

Doc Talk

Professional answers to some of the most common questions for the new dog owner.      

Basic Retriever Skills

Common Problems and Solutions

Drills organized by problem to help you know what to do to improve your dog's performance.

Basic Retriever Skills

Pre-Season Tune Up

Anticipation is building so use this module to know what to do to get your dog ready for hunting season.

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Train Your Dog To Be A Retriever That Anyone Would Be Proud To Have In The Blind.

Where To Start

✅ Training is laid out Week By Week & Day By Day.

What To Do Next

✅ Weekly Checkpoints to know when to move on or stay put.

How To Solve Problems

✅ We show you how to train a dog that hasn't been trained before. 

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- Your Success Starts Here -

 An Obedient Family Companion

✅ An Unbreakable Bond With Your Dog

✅ A Dog That Can Sit Steady

✅ A Dog That Delivers To Hand

✅ A Dog That Can Retrieve Birds It Sees Fall

✅ A Dog That Obeys Whistle Commands and Hand Signals

✅ A Dog That Can Retrieve Birds It Does Not See Fall

✅ An Epic Retriever That Can Retrieve Anything You Send It On

Complete Retriever Full Access


Lifetime Access to the 56 Week Course and 14 Bonus Modules | Dog Training Confidence | Payment Plans Available


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$ Free

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What People Are Saying

Have concerns? We understand.

Our Simple Plan

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1. Purchase The Complete Retriever

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2. Follow The Videos 

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3. Enjoy Your Dog 


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 Get a taste of what the Complete Retriever Package can offer you.

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The Complete Retriever Package

Train Your Hunting Dog to Be an Outstanding Retriever


✅ Where To Start

✅ What To Do Next 

✅ How To Solve Problems

Watch This Video To See What's Included In The Complete Retriever Package


Complete Retriever Package  System Overview

52 Plus: 56 Weeks of Training to Guide You Step-by-Step

Cornerstone Gundog Academy

Phase 1: Foundations

From bringing your pup home to transitioning to the field, this phase lays the ground work of building a successful retriever. This phase is one of the most important and without it, your dog can't reach its potential.

52 Plus

Phase 2: Fetch

Transitioning to field would not be complete without training your dog to retrieve properly. This phase develops a consistent fetch, hold, and release so that your dog can retrieve the right way.

Basic Retriever Skills

Phase 3: Basic Gundog

With the foundation laid, it's time to see your dog's training come together. Here we throw on the bricks that are foundational for having a gundog. Upon completion of this phase your dog could hunt in easy situations.

Intermediate Gundog Training

Phase 4: Intermediate Gundog

Now that your dog has the core skill sets required to be a gundog, let's turn up the heat and really build a great retriever. Here, we advance the training to give you control and prepare your dog for a multitude of situations that you may face in the field.

Advanced Gundog Skills

Phase 5: Advanced Gundog

Building off of the previous phase you will expand your dogs knowledge and prepare for advanced, yet common situations that you will face in the field. From difficult marks, to advanced handling, and cold blinds, this phase will challenge and propel you to the finish line.

Retriever Training

Phase 6: Fully Trained

During this phase your dog is now considered fully trained, but it's still green. Here you'll work on real world scenarios that requires your dog to rely on everything it's learned. This synergistic work fully prepares your dog for the hunting that will come it's way.

*BONUS* The Complete Gundog Academy: Our Legacy Product with 14 Additional Modules for You  

Cornerstone Gundog Academy


We offer guidance and tips for how to get the most from the courses.

Retriever Training

How Your Dog Learns

In this module, we offer practical and easy to understand lessons on Learning Theory.

Retriever Training

Polish Your Handling Skills

This module will help reduce your frustration as you learn to be a great dog handler.

Retriever Training

Success With Your Puppy

Learn what to do with your puppy to make things go as smoothly and eliminate many mistakes.

Retriever Training

Retrieving With Puppies

Designed to give you the right things to do with your pup as they grow while you wait on the time for formal training.

Retriever Training

Basic Obedience

Learn to teach your dog the foundational obedience needed to become an enjoyable companion and great Gundog.

Basic Retriever Skills

Advanced Obedience

In this module, you will help your young dog transition from basic obedience to being ready for formal Gundog training.

Basic Retriever Skills

Basic Gundog Skills

Learn the skills every great Gundog needs to become their best in the field for many years. 

Basic Retriever Skills

Intermediate Gundog Skills

You and your dog will work through all the skill needed to make sure you can work as a team.

Basic Retriever Skills

Advanced Gundog Skills

Build off of the skills gained to this point as you work on drills and concepts designed to improve skills in advanced scenarios.

Basic Retriever Skills

Group Work

We rarely hunt alone so work on these drills with a group of friends to develop the best possible hunting companion.

Basic Retriever Skills

Doc Talk

Professional answers to some of the most common questions for the new dog owner.      

Basic Retriever Skills

Common Problems and Solutions

Drills organized by problem to help you know what to do to improve your dog's performance.

Basic Retriever Skills

Pre-Season Tune Up

Anticipation is building so use this module to know what to do to get your dog ready for hunting season.

Free Preview

- Your Success Starts Here -

✅ Know Where To Start

✅ Know What To Do Next

✅ Know How To Solve Problems 

✅ Feel confident you're training your dog properly.

✅ Have a dog who makes you proud in the field.

✅ Have an amazing bond with your dog.

✅ Be able to say, "I did that."

✅ Make the smart investment that saves you time and money. 


Single Payment

One Time Payment of $997

Lifetime Access


Installment Plan

Twelve Payments of $99.75

Lifetime Access


Free Preview

Sample Two Weeks of 52 Plus

Sample two weeks of 52 Plus


Train Your Dog To Be A Retriever That Anyone Would Be Proud To Have In The Blind.

Where To Start

✅ Training is laid out Week By Week & Day By Day.

What To Do Next

✅ Weekly Checkpoints to know when to move on or stay put.

How To Solve Problems

✅ We show you how to train a dog that hasn't been trained before. 


- Your Success Starts Here -

 An Obedient Family Companion

✅ An Unbreakable Bond With Your Dog

✅ A Dog That Can Sit Steady

✅ A Dog That Delivers To Hand

✅ A Dog That Can Retrieve Birds It Sees Fall

✅ A Dog That Obeys Whistle Commands and Hand Signals

✅ A Dog That Can Retrieve Birds It Does Not See Fall

✅ An Epic Retriever That Can Retrieve Anything You Send It On

Complete Retriever Full Access


Lifetime Access to the 56 Week Course and 14 Bonus Modules | Dog Training Confidence | Payment Plans Available


Complete Retriever Preview

$ Free

Get a Free Preview to See if Complete Retriever is Right For You


What People Are Saying

Have concerns? We understand.

Completely Guided Plan

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1. Purchase The Complete Retriever

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2. Follow The Videos 

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3. Enjoy Your Dog 


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 Get a taste of what The Complete Retriever can offer you.

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