Mastering Whistle Training: Five Steps to a Well-Disciplined Dog

Mar 23, 2020

Watching a dog work is one of the most thrilling parts of a hunt. Whether it’s a fast-paced day where you limit out in 30 minutes or a slow one with just a single shot, the highlight is always seeing your dog execute a perfect retrieve.

A great marking dog is a joy to work with, but there’s nothing quite like watching a dog nail a long blind retrieve with precision. Picture this: a bird is winged and glides far out, leaving everyone wondering, “Can your dog get that one?”

You step up confidently, line your dog, and with a firm “BACK!” your dog takes off. At 150 yards out, you blow your whistle, and your dog stops, turning to await your command. With one smooth hand signal, they’re back on track, eventually returning with the bird. It’s a moment of pure satisfaction and teamwork.

But what if it doesn’t go that way? Imagine the same scenario, but this time your dog ignores the whistle or misinterprets your signals. It’s frustrating and can undermine the whole experience. That’s why ma...

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Maximize Your Dog’s Potential This Hunting Season: Essential Training Tips

Sep 23, 2019

Hunting season is an exciting time, but it can also be a critical period for your retriever's training. Many retriever owners make the mistake of halting training during this season, leading to a dog that’s a bit rough around the edges afterward. However, with the right approach, you can enhance your dog’s skills during hunting season. Here's how:

  1. Keep Training Consistent: Don’t let hunting season be an excuse to stop training. Consistent practice ensures your dog doesn’t pick up bad habits during the hunt.

  2. Take Detailed Notes: Observe your dog during hunts and note any challenges they face—whether it’s struggling with whistle stops or veering offline. These observations are key to crafting a targeted training plan.

  3. Review and Adjust: After each hunt, review your notes. Ask yourself, "Did my dog remain steady? Did they respond well to commands?" Use this information to refine your training plan.

  4. Create a Game Plan: Based on your notes, develop a focused training pla

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Five Things I Learned Training My First Retriever

Sep 17, 2019

Are you thinking about training your retriever? If so, you're probably both excited and a little nervous. I remember being in the same position not too long ago. The excitement of starting a new journey with my dog was overwhelming, but so was the responsibility of knowing that how my retriever turned out was in my hands. Training a retriever is challenging, but it's incredibly rewarding when you see the results of your hard work. To help you along your journey, I want to share five valuable lessons I learned while training my first retriever. These lessons will help you avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your path to success. Ready to get started?

Lesson One: It Can’t Be Done in a Day…or Even a Few Months

You've probably heard the saying, "It’s a marathon, not a sprint." But it's one thing to say it and another to live by it. When I started training my first dog, I struggled with this. I was eager to get to the "real" retrieving work and found myself rushing thro...

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Is Your Young Retriever Ready for Dove Hunting This Season?

Aug 15, 2019

Is Your Young Retriever Ready for Dove Hunting This Season?

Opening day of dove hunting season is around the corner for those of us in the United States. If you have a new puppy or a young dog, there is one question to ask: Should you take your young retriever dove hunting this year? You aren't the first person to ask this question, and you won't be the last. Every year, dove hunters across the country come face to face with this dilemma.

Your young retriever's first hunt is pivotal in its development as a good hunting dog. The best dove hunting dogs are normally trained well and have had a great first hunting experience. So, how do you train a dog to retrieve dove and have a great first experience?

It all starts with knowing if your dog is ready to hunt.

How to Tell if Your Dog is Ready For Dove Hunting Season

Age vs. Skill Level

Many hunters want a defined age to know if their dog is ready to hunt. Unfortunately, age isn't a great indicator of whether a dog is ready to hunt or ...

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How to Stop Your Puppy from Barking All Night: A Simple, Effective Plan

Mar 11, 2019

Is your puppy keeping you up all night with its barking? Are you starting to wonder if getting a puppy was a good idea? Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Will this ever stop?” or “How do I get my puppy to stop barking?”

Puppies are undeniably adorable, but the reality of constant barking can quickly turn excitement into frustration. My wife, Abigail, and I recently welcomed a new puppy into our home, a sweet little girl we named Violet. Even though she was the quiet one of her litter, we soon discovered that no puppy is immune to nighttime barking.

Living in an apartment complex, we were thrilled that Violet seemed like the perfect fit—quiet and considerate of the neighbors. But our expectations were shattered just minutes after we left the breeder's home. Violet began to whine, and that whine quickly turned into a persistent, ear-piercing bark.

In those moments of doubt, it’s easy to question whether getting a puppy was the right choice. But the good news is that as frustrating as it ...

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Are You and Your Dog Stuck in a Training "Rip Current"?

Aug 31, 2018

If you've been to the beach, you've likely seen rip current warning signs. These signs often go unnoticed until you find yourself caught in one. A rip current is dangerous because you may not realize you're in one until you're exhausted from swimming against it. If you continue to fight it, you'll tire yourself out and risk danger. The key is to recognize it early and swim with the current, not against it, to reach safety.

Training your dog can feel similar at times. You might be making great progress when suddenly, it feels like you've hit a wall. No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to move forward, and you begin to feel exhausted and frustrated.

If this sounds familiar, read on to learn how to escape the "dog training rip current" and get back on track. Even if you're not experiencing this now, these tips might be useful in your retriever training journey someday.

Steps to Take When You Hit a Wall in Dog Training:

  1. Don't Panic

    • Stay calm to make clear decisions. If
    • ...
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Keep Your Dog Calm and Safe This Fourth of July!

Jun 28, 2018


We hope you have a fantastic time celebrating Independence Day with friends and family. However, we know that many Fourth of July celebrations involve FIREWORKS, which can be fun for you but can cause potential issues for your dogs.


A Word of Caution

Unnatural, loud, and surprising noises can cause noise sensitivity in young dogs. Common sounds that trigger this sensitivity include thunderstorms, vacuum cleaners, blenders, and, of course, fireworks. While noise sensitivity doesn't necessarily mean your dog will be gun-shy, it can affect their response to gunfire in the field. Fireworks, closely resembling gunfire, can be a concern for anyone with a gundog in training.

A Recommendation For Gunfire Introduction

If your dog hasn't been formally introduced to gunfire, as outlined in our Gunfire Introduction video in the Gundog Academy, they are at risk. Gun-shy tendencies can be very challenging to correct, and prevention is always better than cure. (To check ...

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Mastering Dog Training: Understanding the 4 Phases of Learning

Jan 09, 2017

At what age should my dog be learning each skill?

My dog perfectly performs this skill at home, but it's like he knows nothing when I go to a new spot. What do I do?

My dog was amazing at the trainer, but now, she acts like she doesn't know how to retrieve.

How do I know when my dog is ready to move on to the next skill?

You may be asking yourself some of these questions. Surprisingly, your dog doesn't need to learn a specific skill by a specific age. It needs to learn according to the 4 Phases of Learning. Think of these as dog training stages. These stages of learning will also answer questions on why your pup may do well in one place but not in another place.

The 4 Phases of Learning

One of the key things we have learned since we began dog training is understanding what phase of learning our dog is in. To retrieve in any scenario, your dog will need to work through each phase of learning with each skill that you teach it. Knowing what phase our dog is in connects us with the d...

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