How You Can Have An Excellent Duck Dog and Family Companion

Oct 08, 2024

CGA Member and Ambassador, Zach Sandknop, and his beautiful Golden Retriever, Ted, are accomplishing their goals spectacularly. They are crushing hunt tests, enjoying hunts, and going on many family adventures. Ted is an excellent retriever and the best family companion.

In the video, you can see Zach, his adorable helper, and Ted preparing for duck season. Are you wanting to train your dog to be incredible in the field and at home?

3 Ways You Can Have the Same Results

1. Follow a plan.

Many first-time trainers try to piece together training from many different sources. They may be using solid sources (or maybe not), but when you mix methods, you often end up confusing yourself and your dog. Ending up with a dog that you have to leave at home is not what anyone sets out to do. Your dog can reach its full potential when you follow a cohesive, solid plan. 

2. Join an encouraging community. 

You will have questions as you're training your dog. Where are you going to get the answer...

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How to Train Your Dog to Enjoy Life with You

Aug 13, 2024

CGA member and ambassador Mike Clingan has trained his dog, Crosby, to be an epic retriever not only in the field but also on all their adventures together. Their dedication to training—and Mike's incredible photography skills—has made Crosby the star of many magazine covers.

For Mike, photography is more than a job—it's a passion. And it's even more special because his best friend, Crosby, gets to be a part of it. Imagine the adventures (or even the everyday moments) you'd like to share with your dog. Unfortunately, many people find themselves leaving their dogs at home, missing out on adventures, even when their pups started with so much potential. But that doesn't have to be you!

Here are some tips on how to train your dog to be a part of your life:

1. Follow a Consistent Plan

With so much information out there on dog training, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Some of it is excellent, while some can be misleading. Even two pieces of good advice from different training systems can ...

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Everyday Training: Cody Weis Shares How to Build and Maintain Your Dog’s Skills

Jun 04, 2024

CGA member and ambassador Cody Weis exemplifies what Cornerstone Gundog Academy stands for - training with excellence and commitment. Cody’s dedication to building on what his dogs, Sage and Honey, already know and helping them reach their full potential shows that every hunter deserves a dog they can be proud of, both in the field and at home.

Today, Cody is sharing four practical ways to use everyday scenarios to build and maintain your dog’s training.

1. Steadiness

Meal times are perfect opportunities to practice steadiness. Before feeding your dog, have her stay in the kennel, sit, or remain at her designated place while you put her food bowl down. Only when you release her by name can she enjoy her meal. If she lunges for the bowl before being released, simply lift the bowl away and reinforce the command, encouraging her to return to the position before you give the release signal.

2. Eye Contact

Encouraging eye contact before meals or during release for free play helps bui...

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From Puppy to Hunter Retriever Champion: Marty Haynes' Journey with Koda and Bear

May 07, 2024

How do you take that adorable puppy you brought home and train him to become a Hunter Retriever Champion? How do you ensure your dog is both a joy at home and a powerhouse in the field?

It takes dedication, commitment, consistency, and a solid plan to develop a dog that reaches his full potential.

Marty Haynes, a CGA Founding Member and Ambassador, has achieved just that. He’s trained his two incredible retrievers, Koda and Bear, to be not only obedient members of his family but also exceptional retrievers in the field. At 7 years old, Koda is breathtaking to watch, displaying his steadiness, drive, and excellence. Bear, at 5 years old, has reached the prestigious status of Hunter Retriever Champion.

Using Cornerstone Gundog Academy’s (CGA) training program, Marty has taken both dogs from their first days at home to becoming finished-level retrievers. He continues to maintain their training with the same dedication. As a valued member of our community, Marty exemplifies what it mean...

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Simplifying the Path to Training Your Duck Dog: Josh Peck’s Journey with Kora and Nala

Apr 02, 2024

Training a duck dog can be overwhelming, especially with so much conflicting information out there. It’s easy to feel lost when everyone online seems to have a different opinion about the best training methods. Josh Peck, a CGA member and ambassador, found himself in this situation when he got his beautiful Lab, Kora. He was searching for a clear path to success—one that would guide him from start to finish.

When Josh discovered Cornerstone Gundog Academy, he knew he had found the solution. CGA provided a straightforward path to success, offering the guidance he needed to know where to start, what to do next, and how to handle any problems that arose along the way.

Today, Kora is a fantastic retriever. Like many of our members, Josh decided to add a second dog to his training journey, and he is now taking his new pup, Nala, through the Complete Retriever program.

Josh shares his experience with CGA:

“One of my favorite things about Cornerstone is that it showed me how to take

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Overcoming Challenges in Retriever Training: Louie and Red's Journey

Mar 05, 2024

Training your retriever is a rewarding experience, but it’s challenging. Maybe you’re facing a hurdle right now—training was going smoothly, but suddenly it’s come to a standstill. Or perhaps you’re just starting, looking for guidance to prepare for the challenges ahead.

No matter where you are on your training journey, CGA member and ambassador Louie and his retriever Red have some valuable insights to share. Red is the first dog Louie has ever trained, and they began when Red was just a puppy. Now, Red can retrieve anything Louie sends him after, and they’ve built a lasting bond.

Louie shares how they went from being complete beginners to becoming an epic hunting duo.

"Build From Here"

“‘Build From Here’ is all about learning and refining what you already know, and never giving up when you face obstacles. There's no wall you can't climb over if you keep building on what you’ve learned the day or week before. The key is to never give up.”

Focus on Your Bond & Understand How You...

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The Journey of Training an Epic Retriever: Scott and Lottie Mae's Story

Feb 06, 2024

CGA Member and Ambassador Scott Marquis has done an exceptional job training his incredible retriever, Lottie Mae. Together, they've faced the sun, rain, and snow. From her early days as a new pup to making impressive retrieves at Merrymeeting Bay with steadiness, drive, and flawless delivery, Lottie Mae has become a dream retriever.

Are you looking to train your dog to be an epic retriever like Scott did with Lottie Mae? You might be wondering what it takes to make that happen.

After Scott's beloved dog passed away, he was searching for a new companion. This time, he wanted not only a family friend but also a skilled hunting partner.

Scott’s Journey to Finding the Right Approach

Scott explains, "I had always been researching and following Barton Ramsay and Southern Oak Kennels. I knew I wanted a dog from one of their litters. At the same time, I was thinking, 'How am I going to do this? I don’t know anything about training a retriever. What tools or resources do I need?'"

Scott r...

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Building Success One Step at a Time

Jan 02, 2024

Training your gundog is a journey filled with moments of glory and challenge. Your dog has a mind of their own. Some days, it feels like you're perfectly in sync, while other days, they do the opposite of what you expected!

So, how can you ensure you have more days where everything clicks?


This is the essence of what Cornerstone Gundog Academy (CGA) is all about.

At CGA, we believe in taking each success you have in training and building on it, step-by-step, until your dog is making epic retrieves during the hunt. This approach allows you to turn small victories into major achievements.

The Power of Incremental Progress

Building from success might look like getting your puppy to sit in place for the first time today and having them repeat the behavior consistently over the next few days. It could also mean pushing that blind retrieve from 50 yards to 60 yards today. Before long, you've stretched it out to 300 yards, and your dog is ready to retrieve anything you se...

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Building Success: Vickie and Claire’s Inspiring Journey

Dec 05, 2023

Vickie has done an incredible job training her gundog, Claire. Through consistent work and mutual trust, they’ve built a strong bond that shines in the field. Watching Claire retrieve is a sight to behold, showcasing the power of dedication and the right training approach.

Vickie has a clear message for anyone looking to train an exceptional gundog: “It’s all about progress, not perfection.”

At Cornerstone Gundog Academy (CGA), we have a saying: #BuildFromHere and Progress Over Perfection. Vickie has truly embraced this mindset in her training with Claire. “What I learned going through the process is that you just follow the progress of the program. Don’t rush. Don’t be in a hurry. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the process. Build from where you are and continue to build on from there,” Vickie shares.

Vickie emphasizes the importance of celebrating small wins. “Celebrate your wins in training. If your dog doesn’t understand something, they’re trying to tell you. Back up, take your time, a...

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Building Trust and Success: Nicholas and Winston’s Journey

Nov 07, 2023

“I can trust him as much as he trusts me.” These words perfectly capture the bond between Nicholas and his incredible retriever, Winston. From the moment they met, Nicholas felt that Winston had chosen him, and their connection was instant. Wanting the very best for his new companion, Nicholas turned to Cornerstone Gundog Academy (CGA) to ensure Winston would grow into a well-trained and reliable hunting dog.

Nicholas believes that following CGA's motto, #BuildFromHere, has been crucial in developing the strong bond they share.

“BuildFromHere has meant everything to us,” Nicholas explains. “Winston is the first dog I’ve ever trained, and the Cornerstone program helps you create a bond and build the drive within your dog, so he wants to do the work.” This approach has allowed Winston to not only become a skilled retriever but also a loyal companion.

“BuildFromHere is fantastic,” Nicholas continues. “The key is focusing on specific aspects of training, knowing that every effort you pu...

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